Child Care Billing Software

Child & Daycare Billing Software is included in Office Centers Accounts Receivable program to provide family & Agency billing for over 9000 centers.

By including Child Care Billing Software into the Accounts Receivable Value Module, it puts all Child Care Center financial records into one location for ease of use and understanding with Office Center software.

Automated Billing (Tuition Posting)

This is your biggest time saver! Best of all, once you set up the initial billing schedule for each family, you don't have to think about billing and tuition charges ever again. Just point and click! Billing is automated, fast, easy, and accurate. You just freed yourself up to spend time on other important matters.

Office Center's Automated Child Care Billing Software accommodates even the most "creative" tuition and fee schedules. Each family may be billed differently, or tuitions can be grouped for automated bulk posting or billing.

For instance, users simply tell the program how to bill each family when they are first enrolled. Then you just run Automated Billing. Office Center will automatically read each family's billing instruction, post their charges to their ledger cards, update their balance, prepare their statement, all in less than one minute. Office Center even makes Variable billings (by the hour, day, drop-in, etc) pushbutton easy.

Office Center for Windows offers an exclusive "Bill these now" feature which will allow you to automatically bill a specific family at the push of a button. "Bill These Now" is especially helpful when billing "drop-in care".  Just type in how many hours the child was there, and "Bill These Now" will automatically calculate attendance times the rate and display an immediate Balance Due total.

Agency Billing Software

Office Center offers a sophisticated agency tracking and billing program. Office Center will track agency tuitions separate from the parent co-pay portion of the tuition. Agency or third-party subsidies are automatically recorded and posted per agency pay schedules.

Agency statements will be produced by Office Center for third-party subsidies. Agency statements may be printed for all agencies or for specific ones individually.

Parent Billing Statements

Office Center automatically prepares Parent Statements. Statements can be printed one by one as parents request them or for all parents at once. You may elect to print statements for just those parents with a balance due. Statements can be defaulted to fit windowed envelopes.

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