Daycare Record Keeping Software

Daycare record keeping software from Office Center is the affordable daycare software solution for daycare providers, daycare centers, and daycare management for all their extensive billing, accounting, and other record keeping requirements.

Simplified Day Care Record Keeping

Record keeping for daycare centers is greatly simplified with daycare record keeping software from Emerging Technologies called Office Center. It allows you to "Skip with Open Forms" anywhere in the program to eliminate having to Open and then Close an endless number of screens with the accompanying number of mouse clicks as is found in competitive daycare software programs.

Record keeping software from Office Center consolidates virtually all daycare record keeping chores into any easy-to-learn, easy-to-teach software program designed especially for child care and daycare facilities.

All daycare record keeping chores for family and child records are integrated by the Accounts Receivable module. Likewise, employee or staff records are also included.

Family Record Keeping

Family Record keeping includes all family tuition and payment records, child eligibility cards, child attendance records, classroom and bus schedule records, immunization records, allergy records, and other record keeping chores for a complete history and total financial picture for each family's daycare record.

Employee Record Keeping

Daycare Record keeping Software from Office Center will accurately record and automatically track employee working hours, days worked, and payroll records to save you many hours of tedious record keeping. All employee records are easily managed with Office Center daycare recordkeeping software with ultimate simplicity and ease.

It will also track and record employee schedules and their payroll records as well.

Software Record Keeping Module

Each Emerging Technologies daycare software module has its own list of Daycare Records that are built in and that integrate into the Base Program called Accounts Receivable Module.

Office Center Accounts Receivable Program has extensive reports already built in. They may be filtered and printed out in numerous ways.

The following records are some of the many records that can be analyzed by the Accounts Receivable program:


Family and Child Records
Employee Records
Child Immunization Records
Allergy Records
Scheduling and Future Scheduling
Billing Records

Payment Records
Accounting Records
Attendance Records
Food Records
Child Eligibility Records

Having incorporated recommendations from thousands of users into Office Center's Day Care Record keeping Software program during the past 15 years, you can feel secure that Office Center will handle your daycare center's needs.

If you have further questions about daycare record keeping software, please click below for our immediate Hot Line Callback.